Assisted Living

At Assurety, we are well aware of those who require special care or additional services, and nobody will ever lack the specialty services or care needed.
Assisted living facilities allow staff members to help residents with their responsibilities and chores of living including help with activities of daily living such as eating, bathing, and using the bathroom, laundry, cooking, transportation, assistance with medication, and getting to appointments as needed. Residents may have all or some of their meals together. An important aspect of assisted living is to provide security, comfort and meaningful activities for residents. Recreational and social activities are always provided and Assurety prides itself on its wide array of activity options.
As your loved one's health declines, his or her independence may follow and alternate living arrangements need to be considered. Understanding the various types of long term care for those who need help with activities of daily living (ADL) can help you choose the type that's most appropriate for you or your loved one.
What is Assisted Living and What Can I Expect at Assurety?
Assisted living is aimed at helping residents remain as self-sufficient as possible with the promise of assistance when it's needed. In general, assisted living is designed for people who need help with the activities of daily living (ADL).
Assisted living facilities give residents a great amount of independence while still providing assistance in areas where it is needed. Not all residents of assisted living residences need major care or assistance. Many are there because they want a simple lifestyle without the worry of maintaining a home and they seek the companionship of other people their own age. At Assurety Senior Care, we are well aware of those who require special care or additional services, and nobody will ever lack the specialty services or care needed.
Assisted living fills a gap between in-home care and nursing homes
Unlike nursing homes, residents in assisted living remain independent, living on their own in a residential setting. There is no standard for residences. These homes can be large or small and some are specialized. They can house just a few or hundreds of residents. The housing accommodations are often condominiums, apartments or single family homes and seniors have the same amenities as those living in the independent living housing. At Assurety, we feel that a commitment to each individual and their needs is more conducive within a smaller, more personalized facility, and that is precisely what Assurety is. As a matter of fact, smaller, more personalized senior care homes are often seen as more effective facilities in terms of level of care and success of such care.
Some assisted living facilities specialize in the care of Alzheimer's patients. An Alzheimer's patient typically does not require a lot of medical attention but often requires supervision and confinement. Every resident at Assurety who may have fallen victim to Alzheimer's Disease will enjoy the comfort and care they need 24/7. Family members of those requiring Alzheimer's care or any type of dementia care will know that the best possible, loving, genuine care will be provided for your loved one.
Please take some time to read more about our assisted living and personalized elderly care services. As always, contact us for more information. We are here to answer any and all questions.